There is only one ground you can file for divorce which is the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. This has now been broken down into 5 Categories which is unreasonable behaviour, adultery, living apart for 5 years, living apart for 2 years (both partners agree to the divorce) desertion.
Before you file for divorce you will need your spouse’s full name address and their solicitors, an original marriage certificate or a certified copy, proof of your name change if applicable, and at least £550 in available funds to cover deposits and court fee’s. (You may be exempt from paying certain costs for more information contact Eddowes, Perry & Osbournes today). It is important to note to get a divorce you have to be married for a minimum of 1 year. To begin the process, you need to file a petition with the court based on one of the 5 reasons.

The petition will then be sent to your spouse who must acknowledge the document and return it within 14 days. If your spouse agrees to the divorce, you will then make another application to the court for a certificate confirming your divorce proceedings provided the court is happy with all of the paperwork. The court will set a date for the pronouncement of decree nisi, which is the formal pronouncement of putting an end to your marriage. A minimum of 6 weeks and 1 day after the pronouncement you can apply to the court for a decree of absolute which finalises the end of your marriage.
Have you found yourself questioning whether you and your partner need a divorce? Divorce to some may seem very daunting and very permanent. There are other options available to you that may suit your situation better. These options include mediation, counselling, separation, informal separation, separation agreements and judicial separation. Our divorce lawyers in Sutton Coldfield can help advise you on what paths you can take and provide you will all the facts and figures before you make a life-changing decision.
We would always advise our clients against an informal separation. This may sound appealing to some couples as there is no divorce fee’s no finance agreement you and your partner will go your separate ways. Without having a formal agreement put in place there is no document to adhere to which can cause problems in the future.
A separation agreement is where you and your spouse have concluded that you need to separate. You should hire divorce lawyers \ solicitors to draw up and put a formal separation agreement in place. This separation agreement will include the agreed financial arrangements and can include a plan for your finances in the outcome you decide to get a divorce.
This form of separation that is sanctioned by the court. The court rule that you remain legally married but the court in the eyes of the law recognise and record that you are no longer a couple. Although this form of separation is similar to a divorce as you still have to submit one of the 5 reasons like a divorce you don’t have to prove that the relationship has broken down beyond repair.
Eddowes, Perry & Osbourne help hundreds of families a year overcome battles and family law issues. EPO have been a well-established law firm for over 360 years providing a high-quality service for the community. Our divorce lawyer can provide information, solutions and advice on your separation and divorce situation. The aim is to always resolve these issues amicably and efficiently so both parties are happy with the solution. Here at Eddowes, Perry & Osbourne we are very away how difficult and emotionally draining a divorce or separation can be. We want to give you the support you deserve to make this journey as easy as possible and put you back on the route to happiness. To see our frequently asked questions about divorce visit the website by clicking here.
Looking for a divorce lawyer Sutton Coldfield? You can contact the family law solicitors at Eddowes, Perry and Osbourne for all separation and divorce inquiries. Our team are committed to helping you resolve your divorce and separation problems efficiently and effectively so that both parties are happy with the outcome. For more information, please contact the team today via the online contact form | Telephone: 0121 686 9444 | Email: advice@e-p-o.co.uk